Saturday, June 23, 2012

As I went to open this screen to write a new post, the cats went into overdrive about the noises they can hear. Apparently there's something outside they don't like the sound of. Anyway...

I weighed in on Wednesday and the scales read 91.2kgs, so that's an improvement on last week.

I was hoping losing 10kgs in 10days was possible, but it's not lol. Not without harming my body in the process anyway. So, at this weight, I am going on a personal shopping trip on Monday to buy some new outfits. I don't want to buy too much in case they don't fit in 6months time, but I'm looking forward to the trip all the same. Who knows, maybe we'll only go to shops that stock smaller sizes and there wont be anything for me. It'll make me feel like crap but my bank balance will say "Thank You!"

I'm still living busy, and will be until the end of the year when my course is finished. I'm completely determined to get this thing done. I have to! No more dropping out because I can't be bothered anymore.
Had a Mexican-bowl for breakfast this morning (cooked beef with onion and burrito spices, then in the bowl top with salsa, cheese and sour cream). I always seem to lose weight eating that.

Had curried eggs for dinner last night (mashed boiled eggs with the lowest carb mayo I could find and some curry powder). Had about 3-4 eggs worth of the mixture. That was more than enough. Can anyone say 'cheap' AND 'healthy'? :)

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